Up next is none other than co-founder Brage Istad Brenna-Lund! The adventure began in 2016 when Brage was part of starting Cure. Since the agency’s inception, Brage has worked as an Art Director and designer for a number of companies across different industries. His expertise lies in building strong brands and creating great digital user experiences. Brage is one of the main reasons for Cure's success, and we couldn't have been luckier to have him as our boss! 🤩 We asked Brage a few questions so you can get to know him better: 💬 Which project are you most proud of? 🗣 It's all the projects I work on. All clients have different elements and aspects. If I were to highlight a project, it's winning the Visuelt Award for HELZT. It has been a dream since I began studying design. 💬 What inspires you? 🗣 Without a doubt, being able to create cool brands and websites that work. They should not only look good, but deliver results for clients. And not to mention, a good atmosphere in the office and the social aspect. 💬 Has Cure gone as expected? 🗣 It has gone much better than expected in terms of results, satisfied customers, skilled colleagues, and we will soon be announcing something new and exciting! Brage aims to always deliver top quality, customer understanding, and originality in his work. Something we employees strive to live up to! #cure #digitalagency #design #uiux #artdirector #gründer

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