Meet our talented colleague, Endre! Best described as a creative soul, Endre wears many artistic hats. With a master's degree in design at UiB, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design(KMD), we are incredibly happy to have Endre on the team.

To help you get to know Endre better, we've asked him a few questions:

💬 How do you keep updated in your field?
🗣 I squint at various surfaces to catch what's happening out there, but also try to find new ideas and inspiration in places entirely different from design.

💬 Which project/client are you proud of?
🗣 I feel a strong connection to one of the projects that is still under development, and which I cannot reveal too much about. I find something wonderful in what the project stands for, and something very coherent in the message and expression we are helping them with.

💬 What inspires you?
🗣 The stories and heritage behind the projects I get to be part of.

Endre strives to weave together the magic of language and aesthetics in his designs, always aiming to highlight the client's needs in the most visually appealing way.

Meet Endre Pernup | Also known as the artist Dover 🎶

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Erlend Handal Aase

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